Now that our campaigning has led to two changes in the law. Sale Blocking and the change from the RPI to CPI on the pitch fee increase, we continue to push for a change in the 10% commission charge (WITH NOTHING ADDED TO THE PITCH FEE) that you, the members of PHOJC have long campaigned for.  In addition, you will have seen from our manifesto that the new PHOJC Team will push the new Government for a Complete Reform of the Mobile Homes Act.  Much continues to be wrong within the park home sector and we will do our best to rectify this. We intend to push for proper licencing of parks by the Local Authority, reform the Fit and Proper Person Test, tackle unfair fees, utilities, inadequate roads and infrastructure.  PHOJC will also actively tackle the long-term problem of rogue site owners. 

All work that is done for our JUSTICE Campaign is completely voluntary and we the Park Home Owners JUSTICE Campaign has never made a subscription charge. This will continue. All park home residents are welcome to join our campaign and no charge will ever be made for membership. 

However, as with all things, there are costs incurred by any organisation. It is not mandatory, but if you would like - or feel able - to donate to the running costs of the Park Home Owners JUSTICE Campaign please see the instructions below. 

The accounts of PHOJC will be totally transparent.  Each year in April , the Treasurer will publish full details of the account on this website. In the unlikely event that PHOJC has to close, any monies that remain in the account will be given to charity - and details will be posted for all to see.

To join, please contact our Membership Secretary at

Thank you in anticipation of your help.


You can either donate by Bank Transfer 

To                         Lloyds Bank

                             Business Account

 Sort Code         30-99-50

 Account No.    64638268

A/c. Name        Park Home Owners Justice Campaign

Or by Cheque

Payable to         Park Home Owners Justice Campaign

And Posted to 

                          Park Home Owners Justice Campaign

                          Unit 121118,

                         PO Box 6945, 

                        London, W1A 6US

Please add your name and email address to the reverse of the cheque in order that we can acknowledge your kind donation